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Showing posts from July, 2018

Let's Talk Data

Hey, As I mentioned in my previous post, I want start expanding the focus of my blog to more than just hockey; I want to explore the larger trends of data in society. So, for today, I thought it might be interesting to look at Facebook's Cambridge Analytica Scandal, alongside the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As I want to give my perspective, I'm going to refrain from utilizing outside resources. Therefore, this post will include my knowledge and opinions of the subject. As a result, if there are errors, especially with information, feel free to question my stance. Now, the good stuff. I firmly believe data is the greatest asset of the future. By that, I mean that not only is it translatable across industries, but it is seemingly the closest thing to a currency without actually being one. Let me clarify these two ideas. First, data is information, understanding, or knowledge about a human. It is knowledge that can be processed, combined, an

I'm back, again!

Hey, I just posted a piece about the Summer of Ovi, and I hope you enjoy it. Now that there's a bit of a lull in hockey, I thought it might be nice for me to get ahead on some posts and do some pre-season scouting. While I want to continue my data analytics, I also want to expand to other areas, including other leagues. I'm excited to start creating interesting content for this blog, and I look forward to your reading it each week. I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. Best, Jonathan