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Showing posts from June, 2018

Summer of Ovi

Hey, I hope everyone is having an excellent start to their summer. I'll be back all summer with analysis. Let's start off with some playoff recap. First, I want to take a moment to appreciate the Final we just witnessed. After going through what I believe was ten years having four different teams win championships, we were finally able to watch the Stanley Cup be lifted by a new team, one that has undoubtedly had its fair share of struggles over the years. Now, let's get down to the data. I want to start by examining how Alex Ovechkin's play helped bring his team to success. I am focusing on him, as he was the Conn Smythe winner. Although this might be subjective, Ovechkin is his team's captain and franchise player. Therefore, let's look deeper into his play. All statistics are courtesy of  Natural Stat Trick . First, although this stat is used to consider how "lucky" a team is with a certain player on the ice, PDO, can be useful. Put simply, PDO i

I'm back!

Hello, After a long time off, I am returning to my weekly blog posts. I am finished with school, so I'm excited to take a deep dive into the data of the NHL playoffs and, most importantly, as a Rangers fan, the NHL draft. I will post later this week, so please continue to follow this blog. I greatly appreciate your taking the time to read my content. Lastly, I want to congratulate Alex Ovechkin on winning his first Stanley Cup. His reaction is why I love this amazing sport. Best, Jonathan